Books > 35

I turned 35 at the end of September 2016. This book is a series of etching and watercolor monotypes meditating/speculating/hoping about my 35th year.

watercolor monotype, etching, cotton fabric, thread
12” x 12.5” x 35 pages

Click to view video of book.
Fabric book made of intaglio and watercolor prints on Colton fabric
watercolor monotype, etching, cotton fabric, thread
12”x12.5”x 35 pages
watercolor monotype, etching, cotton fabric, thread
12”x12.5”x 35 pages

I turned 35 at the end of September 2016. This book is a series of etching and watercolor monotypes meditating/speculating/hoping about my 35th year.

watercolor monotype, etching, cotton fabric, thread
12” x 12.5” x 35 pages